Milk Card APP
who use to maintain milk records on faily basis.
platform will help us track our total milk,
total pricing,total expenses and many more.
We can add Expenses on daily basis, like food,
medical, essentials, etc.
Platform will have option to filter, sort, edit,
update, backup records.
As every personal is having smart phone
now a days. so why to wrap our physical card with
plastic to save from rain or other physical damage.
below are few why's
1. Physical cards get damaged and we can loose our data.
2. Easy to manage records, filter, etc.
3. Options to have backup and share with personal or save on drive.
4. Clean UI, easy to navigate and mangae.
5. There are many more, just explore, you will like.
Following are steps to use the milk card application.
- open the app, Fill the name, choose the language preferred and continue.
- On dashboard we have '+' icon botton rignt corner,
- which is used to add record.
- Bottom view has total for milk, pricing, for the list displayed.
- Above the list we have options to filter and sort the list.
- Like ascending / descending, and filter data by month.
- On Top rignt we have two two icons, on for profile and other for app info.
- On Profile page, we have tatal earnings data, and options
1. Fixed price for milk
2. Add Expenses
3. Export all records and share
4. Delete all data
5. About App
- On add expenses screen, Top right corner has '+' icon to add expense.
below that we have option for filter and sort.
- On add epense we will have total expences view on bottom.
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