MijnEigenPlan APP
My OwnPlan has been tested by the FieldLab with a positive result. The FieldLab is a collaboration between Philadelphia, sHeerenLoo and Siza.
Do you need structure? Don't you always remember what to do? Are you losing the overview or can you use some focus? Then MijnEigenPlan helps. In this app you see what you have to do every day. And you get an explanation if you need it.
It is your life, so your Own Plan. You indicate what you need via this app or on the MijnEigenPlan.nl website. Your supervisors, parents or guardians can help you set reminders, step-by-step plans and helpers.
You can do more yourself with Help
With a help you can show HOW a certain task can be performed. That is possible with step-by-step plans or with videos. If it still doesn't work with a helper, you can put a button on it with which you can quickly call your supervisor via Skype or telephone.
Free trial
With My Own Plan you can do more yourself than you think! Try My Own Plan for two weeks for free. You are not committed to anything after that. You create the account in this app or via https://mijneigenplan.nl.
More help via the site
You can add notifications, step-by-step plans and aids to every activity and reminder. You can do this via your own account at MijnEigenPlan.nl. You can give your supervisors access to your Own Plan via the website. They can help you make your Own Plan and the helpers. Help items consist of clear step-by-step plans, videos and possibly a button with which you can call your supervisor directly with telephone or Skype.
All possibilities of My OwnPlan at a glance:
- Clear day and week overviews .
- Easily schedule daily, weekly or monthly activities and tasks.
- Show a timer when a task has an end time.
- Reminder: get a call when it's time for an activity or task.
- Step-by-step plan: each step consists of an image with a description. Steps can be checked off.
- Keep a job in view until it is checked.
- Choice moment: offers options at a specific moment, with image and description.
- Website or link: provides a link to a website at a specific time or place.
- Instruction video: Display an instruction video at a specific time, location or when scanning a code.
- Call: lets the phone automatically call a number after touching an image with text.
- Skype: lets the phone automatically set up a Skype connection (video calling) after touching an image with text.
- NFC support: Show specific helpers when the phone or tablet is near a special sticker (NFC)
- QR support: Show specific instruction when phone or tablet scans QR code.