MiGallery APP
Some of our key features include:
- Home - provides a combined view of all your photos and videos, sorted by date taken
- Photos and Videos are in separate sections to easily view and organize
- Toolbar on the sideline that displays date/month/year for Home, Photos, and Videos gives you the ability to quickly jump to the desired time
- Favorites Photos and Videos can be marked with the heart to easily find in the Favorites folder
- Easy select (by swiping left/right/diagonally) photos to Add to Collection, Live Wallpaper, Favorites or Delete
- Collections give you the ability to group photos together based on your own curation
- Easily sort or add photos and videos to a Collection, Live Wallpaper, Favorites or Delete via a proprietary, easy-to-use feature called "Hold and Flick"
- Each photo or video will have all the information and details such as File Size, Date taken, Dimensions, File Path
- Camera icon conveniently placed in the Gallery
Share and Save:
- Easily share photos and videos via text messages, Whatsapp, email, or Bluetooth,
- Easily save to a third party cloud, other applications
Photo Editor Suite:
- Photo editor has over 50+ built-in features to customize and personalize your photos-- everything from draw, text, stickers, crop, red-eye, and more!
- Adjust your photo manually in terms of brightness, gamma, contrast, exposure, warmth, saturation, shadows, highlights, hue and RGB
- Photo Editor creates a new copy of the edited photo and will also preserve the original
Hide and Delete:
- View all your media folders on your device
- Easily delete a folder
- Easily hide a folder for your private viewing only
- A nice slideshow feature for your Photos, Collections
Grid or Art Gallery Grid:
- Photos can be displayed in a square grid or in an art gallery style grid; you decide which is best
Live Wallpaper:
- MiWallpaper is a live wallpaper utilizing photos and videos from your collections, photos, and videos-- it's your own content on your wallpaper!