Micromania APP
Check all the information related to your loyalty card:
A virtual card that can be used in store
Track your points, status and expiration date
View and use your vouchers
Find your reservations and current orders
Find your trade-in offers
Find all the information on our stores:
Real-time product availability
Locate your store
Consult the timetables, address, telephone number and calculate your route
Scan the product to find its trade-in price
Access the Fanzone and follow all the news of the video game:
Access all our articles, files and video content from our Fanzone! You will find all the gaming news in a dedicated section.
Browse through your favorite licenses and find the products associated with them
Check out the news and upcoming releases
Be informed of exclusives and exclusive offers
Order your games, accessories and consoles:
Find the best offers
Order in a few clicks
Pre-order your collectors and exclusives
Track your orders and deliveries
Compose your basket and generate a QR code to scan in your store
Create your wishlist to prepare your purchases synchronized with our website www.micromania.fr
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