As an MCS member, you will find:
Virtual card
• Your plan card always with you on your cell phone.
Coverage Certification
• Get your certification letter from anywhere and send it to your healthcare provider.
Te Paga Balance
• Easy access to the balance on your MCS Classicare Te Paga card.
Provider directory
• Find your healthcare providers by name, town, or specialty.
Favorite Suppliers
• Create your own provider directory by selecting your preferred doctors.
History of Medical Services
• Access your history of services received in dental, medical, pharmacy and laboratory visits.
• Identify the closest hospital and get there quickly using the browser on your cell phone.
Direct access to MCS Medilínea
• It is a free healthcare orientation and consultation service provided by graduated nurses, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Direct access to MCS MedilíneaMD
• It provides you urgent care services through telemedicine - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can request a video call with the next available doctor, and/or coordinate your appointment within a 24-hour period. You can make a phone call if you do not have a smartphone with a video camera.
Direct access to MCS TeleCare
• It is a service that provides members access to healthcare services with their primary care physicians and/or specialists without leaving their home. Through this application, you’ll be able to coordinate your virtual appointment. You’ll have the option to make a phone call if you do not have a smartphone with a video camera.