Mi GPS Track-master APP
- Notificaciones y alertas
- Posicionamiento geográfico
- Eventos
- Temperaturas
- Viajes
- Kilometraje
- Velocidad
- Recorrido en viajes
- Llenado y descargas de combustible
- Seguimiento de viajes
¡Obtén el control total de tu flotilla de unidades!
Para retroalimentación y dudas acerca de la APP contactar: contacto@cttmx.com
It is a practical, functional and precise application focused on tracking units in real time.
You can make efficient your resources that will be reflected in the decision making of your organization thanks to some of its characteristics:
- Notifications and alerts: temperature, Speeding, jammer, panic button, and many more.
- Geographical positioning: detailed map for tracking units in real time.
- Events: filling and loading of fuel, stops, routes, among others.
- Temperature
- Travels
- Mileage
- Speed
¡Get full control of your unit fleet!
feedback and doubts about the app contact: migps@track-master.mx