A safe place for hunters to share trophy files and hunting experiences
MHB is a private social network for world-wide hunters. An environment where our hobbies, skills and social events are considered and valued.At MHB, you can create personal or business profiles, upload photos and videos, join groups and events. With us, you can create your own hunt books to have your collection of trophies updated digitally with very detailed information.Made by and for hunters, MHB takes privacy very seriously, in fact, privacy is in the heart of our technology: We developed three different privacy settings so your hunting activity is as private as you want. If a user doesn’t want its employer, clients or colleagues to know that it has an MHB profile, you can lock-up your MHB profile so is not available in any internet search. Ultimately, the premier only-for-hunters social network where you can meet, connect and share.
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