Meu SUS Digital APP
- Access your interactions at health care points and monitor exam histories, vaccines, medications and much more;
- Issue documents and certificates, such as authorization to remove sanitary pads, Vaccination Certificate, International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (CIVP);
- Enable or disable membership of the Farmácia Popular program;
- Track your position in the National Transplant System queue;
- Locate health services near you, such as Oral Health and treatment of Rare Diseases;
- Manage your personal health through My Health Diary;
- Follow safe and reliable news about health and well-being.
To access the application you only need to have a account!
Health records in Meu SUS Digital are the responsibility of state and municipal health managers. The data is collected and sent to the Ministry of Health database, integrated into the National Health Data Network (RNDS) and automatically made available in the application.