MeteoInfoWidget APP
IMPORTANT! All settings are made from the widget itself, a separate program for this is not provided. Therefore, after installing the application, its shortcut will not appear in the program launch window. To complete the installation, you need to put the widget itself on the desktop: click in an empty space on the screen and hold until the "Widgets" menu appears at the bottom, select the widget there, drag it to the desired location and scale it to a convenient size.
All data is transmitted from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, therefore, a reliable Internet connection is required for the program to work.
By default, the widget will periodically request the current location, so in the device settings you need to enable the Location service if it is disabled there. Alternatively, you can fix a specific location in the program settings - then it will not access this service at all and will always show the weather in this place (which, in particular, will lead to some battery saving).
To change the location settings, server polling intervals, colors, etc., click on the top line of the widget and go to the "Settings" menu. Clicking on the other lines will display additional data for a specific time.
This version is a "lightweight" version of the program, which will be laid out later: there will be Google maps and much more. Therefore, immediately after installing the widget, it will not be visible in the list of programs: to complete the installation, simply click in the place of the screen where you want to put the widget, and then select it from the list.