Meteofa APP
Weather data available:
- temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, rain and solar radiation with maximum, minimum and average values.
- sunrise, climax, sunset, elevation and azimuth times of the sun.
The data are updated every 2 minutes and archive data have been available since the year 2002 with a search function by day, month and year.
Other information available:
- Local and regional weather forecast
- Images of the Arpa E-R radar
- Images of meteorological satellites
- Weekly pollen bulletin of the Faenza station
- Earthquakes in the world (EMSC)
- Webcam images
- Pharmacies open in real time in the city of Faenza
- News about Faenza
- Shows: links to the TV, theater and cinema sites of Faenza
- Weather stations may be subject to occasional service interruptions
- For technical problems relating to the MeteoFaenza application, please send a report to
The application is also suitable for devices with low memory availability, it is free and there is no form of advertising.
The data is uploaded via internet connection.