Merck Manual Consumer APP
PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: This is a native app and will store medical topics and associated images, figures, and on-demand downloaded videos on the device’s internal storage. Hence, to enable this storage, BY DEFAULT Android OS (from version 6.0 and above) prompts permission to "Allow App to access photos, media, and files on your device?" before installation.
*** Downloading this app is a 2-step process: the first step is a download of the app template, and the second step is a full download of app content. This can take 5 to 10 minutes on wifi in 64-bit devices. 32-bit devices may take longer. Please do not navigate away from the app until both steps have been completed. ***
Medical knowledge is power. The Merck Manual Consumer App features clear, practical explanations for thousands of medical disorders, including symptoms and what doctors do to diagnose and treat medical conditions.
The trusted Merck Manual Consumer medical app for home reference offers:
• Health and medical information written and updated regularly by more than 350 medical experts
• Topics searchable by symptom, diagnosis or treatment, all written in easy-to-understand language
• Photos and Illustrations on thousands of disorders and diseases
• Animations that visually demonstrate diseases and treatments
• Interactive Quizzes* to test knowledge on health topics--scores can be posted on Twitter
• Drug and Medicine Information Guide* including:
- Drug Interactions
- Pill Identifier
- Medications and over-the-counter drugs
• Medical News and Commentary* covering the most current and important health topics
• Editorials* written by top medical experts
• Self-assessments* to check your health and fitness levels
*Internet access needed.
About Merck Manuals
Our mission is simple:
We believe that health information is a universal right and that every person is entitled to accurate, accessible and usable medical information. We have a responsibility to protect, preserve and share the best current medical information to enable more informed decisions, enhance relationships between patients and professionals, and improve health care outcomes around the world.
That’s why we are making the Merck Manuals available for free in digital form to professionals and patients around the world. No registration or subscription required, and no ads.
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This mobile application is intended for use in the United States, its territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada only.
For more information please read the End User License Agreement at
For more information about our privacy practices, please see our privacy commitment at
To report an adverse event with a specific Merck product, or to report suspected issues or problems with the application, please call the Merck National Service Center at 1-800-672-6372.
For questions or help with the app, please contact