Memoryz: A digital caregiving companion for families experiencing dementia

Latest Version

Mar 3, 2021
Google Play ID

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Memoryz APP

Memoryz supports families experiencing dementia through our digital caregiving community, chat-based companionship, and task reminders.

Memoryz functions as a stand-alone caregiver app or a family-focused caregiver-care receiver app depending on your loved one’s cognitive ability.

At its core, caregivers use Memoryz to create and track task reminders, schedule events for their loved ones and receive self-care reminders/mood support from our chatbot Iris.

Adding a care receiver interface allows caregivers to send reminders directly to their loved ones, receive real-time updates on completion, and introduce Iris-based support for companionship.

Caregivers can use the application as an assistant for their daily tasks. To use the family version of the application (caregiver and care receiver) both parties need to download the application on their respective devices.
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