Memorize Anything Fast & Easy APP
This app presents the fun way of memorizing anything.
Memorize anything easy , with special practices for you! - You can memorize / learn poems , songs, proverbs, speeches, anthems, Holy Book verses, shortly anything you want! Are you a lawyer? Memorize laws easy!
Recite, fill the blanks, write the content! Whatever you're looking for is in this app! Learning long texts is the best way to improve memory!
This app applies Divide and Conquer method and provides a learning plan that makes memorizing anything fun and easy!
CUSTOMIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE - Customize your reading and listening experience. - Choose your reading background, text size, text style, text color and get the best learning experience with the app!
The app creates memorization exercises for your content and makes you go on a learning journey by making exercises difficult step by step.
1. Multiple Choice
2. Fill with first letter
3. Write Words
4. Reciting
5. Fill in the letters