memes factory for images

Latest Version

Mar 27, 2019
Google Play ID

App APKs

Meme Factory APP

Add images, text, accessories and customize your meme funniest way.

✓ Add image galleries, take a picture with the camera or share the direct web to the application.

✓ Customize your texts with over 40 font types.

✓ Altogether there are more than 300 memes to customize with accessories for small assemblies in your images.

◊◊ Features ◊◊

✓ Image manipulation: size, rotation and position.

✓ Handling text: font type, color, size, rotation and position

✓ Storage: The application saves your memes in a folder created inside your gallery called "Memefactory", getting easy access at any time.

✓ Sharing: The application can share your memes in manufacturing at any time, most of the available social networks.

✓ external Sharing:
The application can share images directly from the web to the area of ​​creation, ready to edit.

◊◊ About working on your device ◊◊
√ The application is in its "Beta" version, this means that is still under development.

√ Our application does not contain any ad.

√ This is one of the differences in relation to applications from competitors.

√ Our team hopes you enjoy the way of using our app, we hope you can give some sparklers of thanks.

√ Your feedback is very important for the continuity of the project. Contribute leaving your suggestion or criticism, all are welcome.
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