Forget not being able to access information when you need it.
Forget missing events or notifications because you were away.
Forget chasing people for information or documents - by phone, email or in person.
The App is easy to use, and makes it easy for Body Corporate Managers, Resident Committees and Building, Village and Facility Managers to get up-to-date information into the hands of their community members and other interested parties RIGHT NOW!
Membo COMMUNITY is an ideal solution for any type of Community - unit complexes, residential high-rise, commercial buildings, office buildings, holiday accommodation, resorts, retirement villages, over 55 villages, caravan parks and residential aged care.
Features include:
Calendar/Scheduler for date-related one-off and recurring Appointments, Activities & Events
Noticeboard for Announcements & Notices
Documents can be accessed on-demand – PDF and text
Immediate Notifications can be sent for free through the App & via SMS
Users can take a quick pic & send a brief User Report from the App straight to Management
We have a 90-day free trial.
For more information visit
Email us at or give us a call on +61 7 3880 4535.
Membo COMMUNITY is a product of Almani Enterprises Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ABN 27 855 350 902