Record your working hours quickly, easily and easily. So you always have an overview of overtime and Co. Let yourself be reminded when you are entitled to a break. Be warned if your right to rest between two working days is in jeopardy.
We will also help you with your personal relief. From tips on workplace design to relaxation exercises and from production in shifts to mobile working.
Imagine it's a break and you're doing something different. We give you tips on how to use your break times to get more out of your work-life balance.
With your IGBCE app, you always have an overview of all collective agreements and agreements that apply to you! From general tariffs to in-house tariffs - the contracts that apply to you are always directly accessible.
Need your union's support? Simply contact your district via this app. A lot of other things can be clarified directly in the app: for example, update your membership data, request contribution receipts or apply for a new membership card.