Medicamentum APP
Medicamentum aims to help you and your loved ones to know your medicines better, to take your medicines with confidence and to be informed about drug interactions , contraindications and side effects depending on your profile.
Medicamentum is:
- The interactive and responsible medication leaflet
- Data from Health Insurance
- A project supported by the BPI and winner of the Hackathon Médicament 2016 organized by the Health Insurance
- The complete directory of 15000+ medicines from pharmacies and pharmacies.
Medicamentum alerts you, warns and informs you about your medical treatment and its risks of contraindication (contraindication) and side effect depending on:
- age
- weight
- biological sex
- pregnancy
- feeding with milk
- procreation goal
- renal failure
- alcohol consumption
- driving
- travel to countries with enhanced drug control even under prescription
- sport practice with doping control or stimulant
Medicamentum does not replace doctors and pharmacists in any case , and aims above all to educate the patient in order to promote exchanges with health professionals. Any medication should be accompanied by medical follow-up with your doctor or doctor to monitor your health throughout the treatment.
Supported by BPI France and the Ile-de-France region , Medicamentum uses the public database of drugs sold in France implemented by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and health products (ANSM) as well as the Thsorimed® database on drugs marketed in France, developed and made available by Health Insurance.