ME-Berufe APP
Do you want to visit the InfoTruck? Then download the app to your smartphone for free beforehand so that you can use it in the truck. For example, to get to know professions and companies in augmented reality and to save important information.
This is what the app offers you:
- Videos and information on apprenticeships in the metal and electrical industry
- Vacancies for apprenticeships, internships and places in dual studies
- Over 3,000 training companies with profiles and contacts for applications
- Stories and news on the topics of training and job applications. We introduce you to professions and companies and give you inspiration for your career choice.
- Exciting challenges
- The Career Check: An orientation tool with which you can find the profession that suits you best
After activating the push notifications, we will also inform you about vacancies for internships or training in your area.
In the M+E InfoTruck you can use the app:
- Discover professions and training companies in augmented reality applications and check whether you have solved the challenges at the experiment stations correctly
- Save information about professions, companies and exhibits
Coming soon:
- Application to training companies directly via app