Summary - Track your achievements and chase your targets
Customer - Browse customer list by type and territory.
Visit - Take orders, note visit discussion, modify order cart and browse customer history.
Order - Browse items by Group and Category ! Filter items by Item code.
Order Cart - Modify cart, and give remarks before place order.
Price List - Share price list in "Text" and "PDF" format.
SPA Activity - Add daily sales promotional activities details from app Eg. Van Campaign, Cluster Meet, etc...
Coaching Call - Area head goes to market with sales executives and add coaching details end of the day from the app
Product Feedback - Can register complaint/feedback about product from customers with photo
Competitors Info - Can capture market competitor details with product photo
Attendance - Show working hours details of a particular day.
Leave - Request for leave to supervisor and can see status for leave approval.
Non Customer Visit Report - Employee can submit report if there is no visit for the day due to TRAINING, LEAVE, OFFICE etc...