Mbooster.my APP
Mbooster enables business partners to locate their merchandise swiftly according to the market needs, as well as helping them to discover opportunities to grow their businesses through our unique platform by matching the pool of prospect purchasers and merchants.
Mbooster also works as an online2offline rewarding channel management platform specifically designed for Brand Company’s dealers in the technology field. Instead of performing business trade the conventional way, Mbooster serves as an e-channel to reach even greater readily audience with the intelligence platform for product and services matching system. We also engage start-up companies to grow their businesses and potential by allowing them to showcase their innovative technologies to the business world.
As the next-generation business matching platform, we had designed a comprehensive yet simple methodology for our distributors, vendors and dealers to automate their daily business anytime, anywhere. We envision Mbooster to be the essential central of their daily lives where we transform the traditional way of B2B e-channel platform into a Simple, Fast, and Efficient approach along with great user experience through our Integrated Innovation new frontier.