After downloading the appropriate data, the application also works when there is no connection to the Internet. The mechanism of downloading data for offline work enables the use of maps of forest districts and national parks. Together with the maps, which are saved in raster form, vector data with descriptive attributes are downloaded for PGL LP forests.
From the level of the mBDL application, the user has online access to a full taxation description for forests of all ownership forms. Such a description includes species of trees and shrubs occurring in a given place, their detailed description, forest address, economic indications and many other information.
The application is additionally equipped with a number of functionalities useful in the field: area and distance measurement, recording a point from a GPS location or from a map indication, recording a route and simple navigation to a given point. Saved waypoints and routes can be exported as a KML file, sent to the world in any way or imported on another device on which the mBDL application is also installed.
In mBDL, you can search for forest divisions based on the so-called forest address, cadastral parcels or point by means of its coordinates.
In the Help menu, there is also a manual describing the basic functionalities, which is worth getting acquainted with at the beginning of using the application.
Declaration of availability: https://www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl/portal/deklaracja-mbdl