Maxima on Android APP
Maxima on Android is a port of Maxima on the Android operating system. Thanks to Sylvain Ageneau' effort on porting Embeddable Common Lisp to the Android OS, the latest Maxima code runs nicely on ECL on Android with very small changes to the source code.
Maxima on Android is a combination of many open source software: ECL on Android, MathJax, and Maxima itself. I wrote roughly a thousand lines of Java code and a hundred lines of HTML including Javascript code.
The installation of the software requires total of 90MB on the storage. 30MB needs to be installed on the internal storage. The rest of 60MB can be installed either on the external or the internal storage. The first run of the apk will ask you where you want the 60MB to be installed.
Then you can enjoy Maxima / Macsyma on your mobile phone or tablet based on Android OS.