If you hate Mathematics here is the game Math Eww! to make you feel how easy and fun math's is…
Easiest multiplication and division games with Addition and Subtraction games all in one app. Increase your brain power with an excellent educational game for learning mathematics for all age groups.
This is a fun game designed mainly around the topics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Awesome math games to play & challenge your friend and have extra math fun.
- Addition games: Adding numbers with Quiz and Practice games
- Subtraction games: Subtracting numbers to solve the equations
- Multiplication games: Multiplication tables learning and duel play mode
- Division games: Practice and learn Division tables
Fun addition and subtraction games with multiplication, designed for all smartphones and tablets. Including tables multiplications and division. With this educational app, parents, teachers and educators can help children to learn faster.
Download our Math Eww! Mathematics game now from Google Play and share this amazing game to practice math's for the brain.