Material Photo Widget APP
It's easy and simple to add a new widget with your photos. Start from the app or directly from the home screen widget browser on your preferred launcher.
* Choose each photo or sync a widget with device folders
* Set an interval or schedule to switch photos automatically
* Customize the tap action of each widget: view in full screen, view in gallery, shortcut to open other apps
* Customize the aspect ratio: square, tall, wide, original (same as photo) and fill widget area
* Customize square widgets with 10 different shapes
* Customize the rounded corners of tall, wide or original widgets
* Customize the opacity, offset and padding to align your home screen elements perfectly
* RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED — Used to ensure that widgets function correctly after the device is rebooted
* SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM (optional) — Used to ensure that widgets are updated precisely at the selected interval or schedule
The app does not require any storage permissions. Photos and directories are selected using the native pickers and stored within the app to keep data
private and secure. There's no tracking or network communication.
Material Photo Widget is an open-source project, find the code and submit feedback at
* Vectors and icons by Dazzle Ui ( in CC Attribution License via
* Store listing screenshots were generated with