MAT Exam Prep APP
MAT Exam is conducted by All India Management Testing Service for entering into MBA courses. Basic eligibility is to have a Bachelor's degree to appear for MAT.
Our MAT Exam app provides you Q/A in Quiz format to try out.
You will be able to self evaluate yourself taking tests, review the answers with explanatory notes.
* Model question paper sets for each sub sections
* Detail Exam information on MAT and detail Syllabus
* Past year Question paper sets presented in Quiz format
* 100% Free, all contents Unlocked
Syllabus for MAT
Paper 1 : Language Comprehension
Paper 2 : Mathematical Skills
Paper 3 : Data Analysis
Paper 4 : Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Paper 5 : Indian & Global Environment Section
App features include
* QA presented in Quiz format for you to test yourself
* Very fast User-interface without any lag or delays
* Practice mode (no time limit) and Timed mode quiz
* Zoom option for text and QA
* Speech read out feature that reads out the QA for you
* Detail reports of total QA answered, marks, mistakes stored
* Sharing of QA to friends via social share applications
* Pie chart fashioned quiz results
* Background theme changing facility (night mode, pink)
* Favorite QA feature for you to mark and review later
* Explanatory notes for answers
* No limits for quiz practice
Practicing more shall give you higher confidence in securing sure success in MAT exams !
Disclaimer: Sana Edutech helps students preparing for all type of Competitive exams in India and abroad. We do not affiliate in any way with the Government agency or other MAT exam conducting authorities.