Market Coletor APP
- Separation (Requisition): Inform the items being shipped in the cargo of a requisition;
- Blind Check (Entry): Check if the goods that physically arrived at the establishment are in accordance with the entry record registered in the Market Gestor;
- Generate Transfer / Output / Requisition: Register through the Market Collector the items that will be transferred, requisition or output previously released in the Market Manager and released to the Market Collector;
- Internal Movements: Perform Market Manager movements by the collector;
- Mata Burro: Query information about the product from the barcode;
- Audit: Perform stock count;
- Box Code: Inserts the box barcode from the unit barcode;
- Reports: Check transfers created from crossdocking requests and queries;
- Management Inquiries: View requisitions and their shipment status;
- Standard EAN CD: Set a barcode as the standard for the warehouse;
Designed and developed by Market Automações Ltda. All rights reserved.