Marathi word games and puzzles GAME
आपण आपल्या प्रतिक्रिया व रेटिंग्ज जरूर देऊन आम्हाला प्रोत्साहन द्याल अशी आशा आहे.
ऍप सुरू करण्यामागील प्रेरणा ही इंटरनेटवर मराठी भाषेच्या वापराला प्रोत्साहन देणे आहे.
This app provides free to play Marathi crosswords, word games and image puzzles. You can play them unlimited times. The motivation behind the launch of this site is to promote the use of Marathi language on the internet. We firmly believe that the rich Marathi culture needs to be represented on the internet. We continue to work on more such ideas that will improve and promote usage of Marathi.
All the games are FREE to play.