Download the app and travel all over the Pakistan with our premium class busses.
Manthar Transport Co. is the oldest and the biggest Transport Company with an advanced and organised transport system in Pakistan. It is the only transport company to have a nationwide network. We have well trained and experienced drivers. We are providing fully satisfied transport services. We will fulfil your transportation requirements with reasonable rent and reliable services.
App Key Features:
- One stop travelling solution.
- An easy way to buy Manthar Transport Company tickets.
- All the user information’s is safe and secure with all possible encryption.
- Our mobile app is easy to use.
- View booking details with My Bookings option.
- Secure and easy payment methods.
- Pay and get instant confirmation by SMS and E-mail.
- 24/7 well trained customer support for all travel related queries.
Payment Options:
- Credit/debit Card
- Jazz Cash
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