MaNaDr for Healthcare Provider APP
If you are not a healthcare professional, please download our dedicated patient app MaNaDr to connect to your trusted doctor. If your doctor is not using the MaNaDr platform, please ask him/her to contact us at If you are a healthcare professional and want to start using the MaNaDr platform, please contact us at
* View your practice appointment schedule, both upcoming and past.
* Conduct chat and video consults with your patients during and outside your practice hours based on your own schedule.
* Set your own charges for these consults.
* View your schedule for home care visits and get reminders for upcoming visits as well as directions to your patient’s home. Use our in-app call function to communicate with your patients.
* Expand your professional network by connecting with other doctors and patients through MaNaSocial.
This app is currently applicable only to healthcare professionals in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia.