MagicSquare+ APKQuadrado mágico APKCuadrado mágico APKQuảng trường phép thuật APKสแควร์เมจิก APKسحر ساحة+ APKSihirli Kare APKQuadrato magico APKCarrémagique+ APKMagischesQuadrat+ APK매직 스퀘어+ APKマジックスクエア+ APKMagischVierkant+ APKMagiczny Kwadrat APKमैजिक स्क्वायर APK幻方+ APK
A minute a day for an active mind. Sum the numbers to fifteen.
Exercise your mind, sum the numbers in each row and each column to fifteen. Hurry, your time is limited, the better you are, the more challenging it becomes.
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