Magic 8 Ball GAME
Magical 8 ball is made to look like a 8 ball that is used for seeking advice and fortune telling.
If you are looking for adviser for your daily life then magic 8 ball is good choice.
If you are finding the answers of difficult life questions then magic ball is here to assist you.
Magic 8 ball made it possible to find the answers of yes - no questions.
Ask magic ball anything about money, love life and destiny etc by simply taping on the ball yes-no choices.
Examples of Right Questions :-
Should i watch movie? Tap ball
Should i work right now? Tap ball
Should it be rain tomorrow? Tap ball
Is it okay to go outside now? Tap ball
Examples of Wrong Questions :-
What is my name?
What is in my mind? etc
warning :-
Magic 8 ball answers are not based on reality and this game is just for fun, entertainment and enjoyment.
How to use magic 8 ball
Magic 8 ball only answers the yes-no questions
Ask yourself a question in mind that can be answer yes or no.
Simply Tap on ball
Read your answer.
Its fun if you already know how to use it and if you don't know how to use it simply search on google 'how to use magic 8 ball'.
Features of 8 ball game :-
Simple user interface
Low app size
Attractive 8 ball with three colors.