m-Uplabdh APP
Existing system does not allow us to save our contact information online. During elections, all officials including observer and District election officer have to keep big bundle of communication plan with them. There are so many contacts booklets like nodal officer details, zonal details, sector magistrate details, BLO details etc which they have to carry all the time. Also in control room, each operator has to keep these booklets with them to contact the concern officials.
Using this m-Uplabdh android App, officials and control room operators can sync the election official’s contacts from server to their mobile. All the election related contact information will be available on their fingertips. Also the contacts will be categorized as per role of officials and their will be search facility. User can easily search and directly dial from their mobile. Any change in details of any officer will be easily synced up to the user mobile and they will have latest updated contact list.