Aimed mainly at local service operators and policymakers, M-APP is a consultation tool that allows an easy exploration of the overall picture of services to migrants, useful both for knowing "who does what" in a given territory, and for getting contact with the services themselves. For each mapped service, in fact, a form is available on M-APP with information on the type of provider, the sectors of intervention, the target population and a synthetic qualitative description of the services provided, in addition to the location of the service, the name and contacts of reference.
M-APP is a product of the CapaCityMetro-Italia project, funded by the European Union and the Ministry of the Interior through the Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund (FAMI 2014/2020).
CapaCityMetro-ITALIA is coordinated by the Iuav University of Venice / Unesco SSIIM Chair on the Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants - urban policies and practices.
The project partners are:
- I.R.E.S. Piedmont, Institute of Economic and Social Research for Piedmont
- Polytechnic of Bari, DICATECh (Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Construction and Chemistry Engineering)
- University of Naples Federico II, DiARC (Department of Architecture)
- Politecnico di Milano, DASTU (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies)
- Metropolitan City of Milan
- Town of Venice
- Municipality of Bari.