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Live broadcasts – view live broadcasts of MMA tournaments and check a schedule of upcoming events.
Schedule – browse cards for upcoming events, see results for past events; watch fight videos, interviews and press conferences.
Fighters – browse fighter profiles by name or weight class, watch archive videos related to a fighter on his/her profile page.
Photos – access full photo galleries from M-1 Global events around the world.
M-1 Ring Girls – check M-1 Ring Girls profiles, photos and more.
News – the latest breaking news on MMA fights, fighters and more.
Alerts – set up alerts to your Apple device for tune-in, breaking news, results and ticket sales.
M-1 Manager – get access to our free-to-play multiplayer management game, take the role of an MMA team manager, create your fighters, train them and win matches against other players.
Registration and Authorization – use your Facebook or VKontakte accounts to make the process of register easier. Now you do not have to fill in too many fields to log-in.
History – you can access recently watched videos by selecting the "History" bar from the main menu.
Favorites – you can add videos that you like to “Favorites” list.
Share – share your favorite fight videos with your friends by clicking a “share” icon on the top right corner of your screen while watching the video.