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Jan 3, 2023
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Lunar Astro Data Bank APP

The Lunar Astro Data Bank is a collection of various filters ranging from Zodiac (Rasi signs), Navansh Rising and Planets occupying various Navansh of people around the world. The filters help in refinement of the data further and helps people in the field of astrology to find out events which are getting manifested through these combinations and planets occupying the Navansh signs.

Then, there is the Nakshatra Filter by which you can find out the planets occupying certain nakshatras and then see, when it gets activated and when it gave the result. The degrees of the planets too helps in determining the set events which happens whenever any planet will be close to that particular degree and in special position.

There are over 30K+ charts in this Lunar Astro Databank and counting...

The filters of the planets are therefore used on planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Pluto & Neptune.
The Charkarakas filter helps in identifying which planet when it goes in a certain Karaka with respect to Jaimini and how the results are getting unfolded.

Charakarakas are Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka, Bhratrikaraka, Matrukaraka, Pitrikaraka, Putrakaraka, Gnatikaraka & Darakaraka.


You can create your own Kundli (Horoscope) by simply entering your Name, Gender, Birth Details & apart from that you can also Tags your charts with different issues or problems as well as a detailed description can be entered through which other people will get to know the details and it can be used for further research work to identify the issues in the chart.

Panchang with various elements has also been included which can be used to make specific set of predictions & includes Choghadiya Muhurat, Hora Muhurat & Shool - Nivas.

There's also an option for Horoscope Matchmaking where both partners can match their charts and see the compatibility of the partners along with various parameters to confirm whether it is a good match or not.


The also contains daily predictions for 12 Zodiac signs which is done including Panchang and the Daily chart made for the day. They have an accuracy of upto 80% for almost all of these and are minutely made to resonate with the daily scheme of life.


There are various calculators as well available on the website to make predictions which includes the Ascendant Calculator, Gemstone Suggestion, Rudraksh Suggestions, Numerology, Kalsarp Doshas, Sadesati Reports, Pitra Dosh Calculators & Manglik Dosh.


Lunar Astro Databank also consists of filters which also includes filtering of charts by Date of Birth above 1800AD along with Planetory Positions as well as the Keywords through which you can search the charts of Cancer Patients, Chronic Health Issues, Flight Crash, Political People, Police Cases, Scams as well as other Famous personalities
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