Haemoglobin, Medication and Symptoms Tracker

Latest Version

Sep 28, 2022
Google Play ID

App APKs

Luma APP

Reclaim control of your daily health with Luma, a blood-testing device
designed for people with Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA). It's the new way
to self-test your haemoglobin levels, with just a drop of blood from your
finger - and all from the comfort of your own home.

The Luma app has been designed with you in mind, so that you can access
helpful insight and build up an accurate picture of your haemoglobin
results from one week to the next.

Identify trends in your data
Luma will help you build up a picture of how you’re doing. See trends in test
results and gain a better understanding of your haemoglobin levels.

Keep track of your medication
The medication you take, as well as the dosage, may differ over time. Keep
your app updated with this information – as well as any missed doses – and
learn whether any changes might be impacting your levels.

Tell Luma how you feel
Whether it’s a physical symptom or an emotional state, your app lets you
record how you’re feeling, enabling you to spot potential connections with
your haemoglobin levels.

Keep track of your periods
Use the app to track information about your periods, and see whether
changes in your cycle might relate to changes in your body.

Set handy reminders
Life is busy – and remembering things like testing or taking your
medication can be a pain. Let Luma help you. Set alerts using the app, and
stay on track with automatic reminders so that you don’t miss your next
home haemoglobin test.

Disclaimer: The Luma App has been designed to be used with the Luma
device and display the same information the device provides. The Luma
App does not provide a medical diagnosis or treatment advice.

Any information obtained from or through the Luma App regarding your
health, a medical condition or treatment, should be reviewed with your
doctor or another healthcare professional before making changes to your

You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice
or discontinue medical treatment because of information in the Luma App.
If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should
consult your doctor or another professional healthcare provider.
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