Lucky Bill APP
Lucky Bill App is a unique platform introduced for the first time in India to promote “Ask for Bills”.
The Lucky Bill App gives you the opportunity to support the efforts of the State Goods and Services Tax Department to ensure tax compliance among the Taxpayers and thereby contribute to the development of the State. By installing the Lucky Bill App, you agree to the terms and conditions thereto.
How to Use this App:
1. Create your Profile in the App with your Name, Address, and Mobile No.
2. Upload Invoices/Bill using a phone camera or image of bills already taken.
3. Optical Character Recognition (based on Machine learning and computer vision technologies) feature will automatically capture the GSTIN, Invoice No., Date, and Total Amount of Invoice/Bill uploaded. You can edit/confirm the details (while showing it on the preview screen) of Bill/Invoice data, if required, before uploading it to the GST Server.
4. Each successful upload ensures your participation in the lucky draw, which is conducted per schedule.
5. The winners will be notified of their Rewards in the Lucky Bill App.
6. The rewards will be delivered per the terms and conditions mentioned on the Lucky Bill App.