Explore Lucknow Metro in both English & Hindi. Works even when you're offline.

Latest Version

Aug 18, 2023

App APKs

Lucknow Metro लखनऊ मेट्रो APP

Lucknow Metro (लखनऊ मेट्रो) App provides the users a lot of useful information like Route & Timing Between Stations, Station Navigation, Station Info, Nearest metro station, Tour Guide, Metro Map, Recharge facility & lot more that helps in using the Lucknow Metro Services. Lucknow Metro App is available in English as well as in Hindi language.

Lucknow Metro App works in both online and offline mode. So you can access Lucknow Metro app features even when you are not connected to internet.

Presently Lucknow Metro app is showing red line that is currently functional. But as soon as Blue line will be functional then Lucknow Metro app will bring you the latest update of Lucknow Metro routes , stations, timing between stations, station navigation, tour guide, Lucknow metro map.

Lucknow Metro App provides our users the Recharge facility which redirects our users to UPMRC Website where they can proceed with their recharge process.

Key Features:-

1. Show route : - Lucknow Metro App provides detailed route information including distance between stations, timings and fare.

2. Metro map :- Lucknow Metro App brings you latest and updated map as available by UPMRC (Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation).

3. Near By Metro :- Lucknow Metro App uses your current location to tell you the nearest available Metro station in your locality with high accuracy. Navigation feature is also provided to navigate to nearest metro station.

4. Station Information :- Lucknow Metro App gives you detailed information about a particular station including Train timings, Platforms, Gates and Directions, Nearby Places, Emergency Contacts, Parking, Escalators, Lifts.

5. Tour Guide :- Lucknow Metro App provides information about the available popular tourist spots in Lucknow.

6. Know Your Metro :- Lucknow Metro App gives information about the available stations on each line. Currently there are two lines ( Red & Blue)in which Red line is functional and Blue line is under construction.

7. Fare :- Lucknow Metro App provides you the information about the fare between any two stations.

8. Recharge :- Lucknow Metro App provides you the facility to recharge your metro card directly from Lucknow Metro app.
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