Lotus Ocean APP
PT has documented his interactions with nature, In the form of Light & Sound films, in the youtube channel "lotusocean".
In these films, he can be seen playing sounds of various frequencies using electric guitar & communicating with nature. Nature responds to him by making rainbows, sun bows, light bows and much more. He even makes rains, storms, lightning etc., in areas which have been dry for years.
He has also been connected with the Crop Circle phenomenon for many years. It all started when an incredible ॐ Crop Circle design appeared on 07 July 2007 after his chant of ॐ symbol which revealed its actual pronunciation ~ (AEIOUM) ~ over the wrongly pronounced ~(OM)~ for the first time in the current age.
More than 200 Crop Circle designs have appeared as a response to him over the last 13 years.
PT has also presented his thoughts & observation about this world condition in various blogs, he writes about the actions & condition of the people of this earth plane. These are the text which point towards following Multiversal Laws, which can lead one on the path of Evolution
The LotusOcean app makes these contents accessible in one place and makes easy learning Vedic way of living, with fun.
* Know the world of LotusOcean to learn about real Spirituality & Science of Soul Upliftment.
* Explore the beautiful Divine interactions with nature through Light & Sound films
* Explore various books written by PT like books on Vedic Astrology, Scriptures for the now etc.. which are the real treasures on the earth now
* Learn the basics of life, by reading the P Logs, which are known as the Scriptures for the now, the Multiversal Laws, before undertaking any Spiritual or Occult Practices
* Have a look at wonderful picture gallery of PT's explorations around this earth plane & connection with nature
* Get an opportunity to connect & communicate through various communication channels.
Website - http://www.lotus-ocean.net/