Loto-Québec APP
- Browse a home page tailored to you that features game recommendations based on your interests.
- Buy your lottery tickets online, and your winnings will be deposited directly in your account.
- See all the most popular online games (slots, roulette, blackjack, other table games, instant games, lottery games, and more).
- Find new games by browsing themed collections, and access your favourite games easily.
- Use the search bar to find the games you like quickly and easily.
- View draw results in a matter of seconds.
- Scan your lottery tickets using the camera on your phone to find out if you’ve won.
- Get an automatic entry in our 2nd Chance Promotion when you buy your lottery tickets via the app.
The user must be connected to the Internet and, to access certain features, logged in to their lotoquebec.com account. The user must be 18 or older. For residents of Québec only.
The Loto-Québec app is the only 100% legal app in Québec to offer lottery and casino games.
Playing wisely is about setting our limits. Worried about your gambling? Call 1-800-461-0140 or visit https://aidejeu.ca/en/ for information or help.
For tips on responsible gambling, visit https://pourquelejeuresteunjeu.lotoquebec.com/en/home