Loh e Qurani Islamic Application for Andriod

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Nov 2, 2022

Loh e Qurani APP

he Loh e Qurani comprises of twenty nine (29) letters. These letters are Arabic alphabets. In Arabic, it is called the huroof e muqatta’ah. These are the alphabets at the beginning of the chapters (surahs) in the Holy Quran.

In the Surahs of the Holy Quran, these alphabets are used as prefixes. These are also called the rumooz, which means codes, of which only the Almighty Allah knows the meaning. The Muslims have the belief that whatever the meaning may be of these letters, the same must be important. However, the explanations of the meanings of these letters are given by some scholars.

Muslims are of the strong view that recital of Loh e Qurani comes with numerous benefits. There are many benefits that even humans do not know about. However, Muslims strongly believe that recitation of Loh e Qurani will benefit them in the world and hereafter.

Following are some of the advantages that the scholars report:

It is believed by the Muslims that Loh e Qurani should be read by the Muslims in the beginning of the day. One who reads the same every morning will have a successful day ahead. All the pending tasks for the day will be completed without any failure. Therefore, a lot of Muslims have the habit of reading Loh e Qurani whenever they wake up or leaving for their work.
Recitation of Loh e Qurani is associated with guidance and success. All human beings on this Earth are in a pursuit of success, whether in the professional life or personal life. Thus, there are many prescribed religious ways though which once can attain success in this life. One of the ways is to recite Loh e Qurani. One who does not only recite but even sees Loh e Qurani in the morning will get the guidance and success. This will make the individual more successful in this world and hereafter.
One of the major objectives of every individual on this earth is to earn a living for him and his family. The concept of living is called ‘rizq’ in the Arabic language. The idea of the rizq is very unique in Islam. It is the idea that everyone will only the amount of rizq which he is entitled to. However, there are some ways in Islam which can enhance your rizq. This includes recitation of the letters of Loh e Qurani. It will bring more abundance in the rizq.
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