See where your vehicle is:
Through POSITION function you will know in real time where your vehicle is. Besides the description of the address you can see the location on the map.
Monitor the speed of each:
The LOCATE monitors in real time the speed of each vehicle.
Locking and unlocking:
That's right, you lock and unlock your vehicle directly from your smartphone.
He parked the vehicle, visit the LOCATE and select the lock.
View Path:
See route / path that the vehicle made during the day.
Check out all the addresses where directly trafficked on the map.
Map in real time:
Check the position of all its vehicles at the same time on the map with real-time update.
ANCHOR function:
If you park your vehicle on the street you can trigger the ANCHOR function. By clicking on it the application will create a restricted area output and an alert ignition. If the vehicle is on or leaving the restricted area, the application generates an anchor alert violated with audible warning and pop-up on your smartphone screen and immediately CHOKE your vehicle.
Speed control:
Set the maximum speed of each vehicle. If the vehicle exceeds the programmed maximum speed the LOCATE generates a warning "exceeded speed" and generates an audible warning and pop-up on the screen of your smartphone
Appointment book:
Sign maturity of its CNH, annual vehicle Inspection in DMV, property taxes Maturity, Maturity MOPP, inspection of CNG, winning the GP "Harbour Guard" and be notified 30 days prior to maturity. The LOCATE generates an audible warning and pop-up on your smartphone screen informing maturity.
Screen alerts:
Follow all warnings of each vehicle generated by the system.
The LOCATE is a solution for the perfect operation it is necessary to install a tracking module in your vehicle. See www.unitracker.com.br for more information.