Localizer - Find It / Sell It APP
Localizer also lets you easily find what you are looking for. For example you can find a restaurant located less than 1km from home, or find a particular business in your country, etc ...).
Localizer has a notification feature to notify users of almost all activities (modification, suppression, etc ...) performed on content which they are interested.
Another feature of Localizer is the Subscription. Through this feature, a user can subscribe to another. It will therefore notify each adding content by it.
Localizer also offers an add in diary feature on content type "event" to help you avoid delays, or that your favorite event doesn't escape you.
Localizer also provides add in favorite location feature to find the one hand more easily and be notified of all operation on that place.
Each content added Localizer has a chat window where all users can intervene to comment on the content.
Localizer is available for the moment only on Android and requires Google Play Services.