Local 804 APP
Medical Doctors listed under Blue Cross Blue Shield and can specify search by location & specialty.
Urgent Care – Listed New York Urgent Care Centers.
Dental Care - Local 804 Dentists & DDS Dentists.
Pharmacies – Through Express Script.
Medical | Hospital | Dental: Member or Dependent can view the complete details of claims made under any category exclusively.
Member or Dependent can view their eligibility status at any time.
Medical | Dental: Member or Dependent can view details of Pre-Certification status and approvals for specific categories.
Fund : Member / Dependent can view their Annuity balance details.
Withdrawals: Member / Dependent can view the details of each withdrawal.
Member/ Dependent can interact with the fund by sending and receiving messages.
All Notifications shared by the fund can be viewed and saved by the member / dependent.
User can access the services with secured Login.