Liturgi 52 Minggu GBKP APP
GBKP Liturgy 52 Week Application end up in order to bind us congregation the church worship service GBKP lenga complete infocus race with a photocopy baseboard biasana lenga liturgical paper so the application enda enough to use HP only baci ernehen congregation liturgi the ipakeken ibas kebaktin.Sebab ibas there is my devotional experience. He lit liturgical paper while the average congregation wants to make an Android cellphone, my measuring instrument for the improvement of enda android applications.
Fill in the enda emekap application as a digitalization of the GBKP 52 Week Liturgy Books. So kerina isina according to the race content of the book, the printed one, the normal one, using the devotional service of the church.
Mbera application endlessly trays us cruelly. The enda lenga bo application is perfect, so it is lit up, my head is lacking, I am mindo sorry, janah, lit. sarandu, baci ipesehndu, man, via email developer.
Juicy-Juah Race Longitude
The GBKP 52 Week Liturgy Application is designed to help congregations who hold services in the GBKP church that do not have a GBKP 52 Sunday liturgical book and church facilities that have not used infocus and are far from the photocopy so that the congregation usually does not have liturgy. I have experienced this in one service, there is no liturgical paper, while the cellphone owned by the congregation is already android so I plan to make this application.
The content of this application is the digitization of the GBKP Language 52 Week Liturgy. So the contents are in accordance with the printed books that are commonly used during services.
Hopefully this application can help all kits. This application is still not perfect, so if there is a shortage, we apologize and if there is input for improvement, please contact us via email developer.
Longitude race Mejuah-Juah