Link Stock is an online bio link management tool.

Latest Version

Oct 31, 2021

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LinkStock APP

LinkStock, also known as, is a Social Media Bio Link & Affiliate Product Management tool. Link Stock powers all links including social media, blog, and referral, video and affiliate product via only link. You can integrate all your digital assets with only Link.This tool is used in social media bio links like Instagram. Where you use only one link and you can link all the content together with only LinkStock Link.

Features of LinkStock
Links (Dashboard): Any type of link is added with Title, and Image Icon. In which Website, Blog, Social Media, Video, Affiliate, Referral, App Download Link or any working URL Link can be added.

Profile: In the profile, the user gives information about himself. Such as name, short description, profile photo can be set. With this, Favicon, Font Size, Font Style, Social Media Placement, Inquiry Form, Theme, Button can also be customized from the profile page.

Video: Direct YouTube video is embedded from here. Whatever video URL the user will paste here, it will be embedded on the profile page.

Store: From here the user can create a store in which he can add many affiliate products along with Product Name, Category, Description, Time and Image. Here Amazon, Flipkart and a Custom Buy Link Button have been given on a product. The user's product can be associated with three different affiliate network URLs.

Inquiry: If the user enables the Inquiry Form from the Profile. So from here all the inquiries can be seen by how many people have connected by filling the form.

Social Media: From here 10+ social media and microblog profiles like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter can be connected with the profile page.

SEO & Analytics: From here you can add Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keyword and Google Analytics code for the User Profile page. With this, users can track and monitor their profile on Google Analytics and optimize SEO.

Insight: From here you can check complete insight about the profile page. For example, information about Page view, Button Click, Product View, Video View, Leads, Location, Device and Traffic Source are available. With this, every button on the entire account for every link, product, video and social media gets an insight overview below.

Link Priority: From here all the Links, Products, Videos added with the profile are given Top - Bottom Priority so that they can appear on the user profile link in the same way as the user sets.

Scheduling: Each link, video, product, and store can be scheduled for any time. Here the option of scheduling is available in both date and time modes.
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