Link 4 GAME
The scoring method can be changed to allow the first player to link 4 tokens or score with the extended game version to score more points by playing all 42 tokens.
When playing against the computer at Level-1 the novice player will be successful and at the highest difficulty level the player can play strategically to win but needs to be careful to block the computer from winning.
This game allows the most recent player names to be saved and retrieved as well as game sound options which can be activated or deactivated.
This app requires permission to save game data (player names, scoring option, sound setting and game mode ) in media storage.
If the game is restarted after being closed an option to continue with the last saved game is offered, alternatively a new game can be started.
Key Features.
- Resume saved game or play new game
- Play against another player or play against the computer.
- Option to change the scoring method, connect 4 tokens or play all tokens.
- When playing all tokens the challenge is to connect up to 6 tokens in a row.
- Progressive score display when playing all tokens.
- Computer play has 3 difficulty levels (Low, medium, high).
- Winning tokens highlighted for each combination of 4 linked tokens.
- Option to change players names, including the name of the computer.
- Game sounds can be turned off if required.