Lingala APP
It features an option to see the type of words, a list of plurals, and synonyms for a particular word in Lingala. In addition, the app offers audio support which includes the pronunciation of each word in Lingala. All the verbs are listed in a specific category to better navigate to the selected verb conjugation table, which includes a variety of tenses. Users can practice using games, the quiz mode, and flashcards. In addition, favorite words can be saved for future review.
The app includes:
- A dictionary
- A multi-language translator (Lingala to other languages and vice versa)
- Word Pronunciation in Lingala (Audio) 🔒
- Flashcards 🔒
- Quiz (Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks questions)
- Games (Word Search and Puzzle) 🔒
- A list of verbs
- Conjugation table for every verb
- Saving words for future review