Your application lines and bus schedules

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Oct 19, 2018
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Line Bus: Horário de Ônibus APP

Line Bus is a simple, fast and easy-to-use public transit application that will simplify your commute around the city. In one place you will find information about bus lines and schedules that can be consulted wherever you are without internet access.

Why download the Line Bus?

Insurance - The information is updated by the bus operators themselves.
Practical - Conduct inquiries at any time by avoiding waiting hours.
Free - You pay nothing to use it.
Connected - Access without internet.

In addition, you also have the following benefits:

Atu Updated and localized transportation information. See the routes and schedules for the bus lines that you use, know in which points your bus passes.

⏳ Saving time for the line. Get the updated schedules of each line, which are frequently updated by the bus companies themselves, as well as real-time arrival forecasts of vehicles that have GPS tracking.

⌚ Updates in real time. Know where your bus is right on the map with representation of your bus's own icon, accurate information that is sent instantly.

📩 Request to operator. Line Bus users can report problems encountered and ask bus companies to install GPS equipment in the vehicle. Be part of this group of passengers and help people by asking for your line.

♿ Accessibility. Find the buses that are equipped for your needs.
Rates and Transportation Cards. Find out which tariffs are applied in the municipalities and consult the cards accepted in the bus operators Rights and Duties.

🇧🇷 Learn about public transport legislation and how you can contribute to improving the service as a whole.

The Line Bus provides more accurate and up-to-date information on Brazilian public transport operators such as Univale Transportes, Cisne Transport, Acaiaca Road, Saritur, Transcon, Enscon, Viação Santa Edwiges, among others.

We will help you to save time and move easily in the cities, we serve in:

MG - Coronel Fabriciano
MG - Ipatinga
MG - Timóteo
MG - Ipaba
MG - Santana do Paraíso
MG - Bom Jesus do Galho
MG - João Monlevade
MG - Itabira
MG - Counting
MG - Montes Claros
MG - Poços de Caldas
MG - Betim
MG - Congonhas
MG - Governador Valadares
MG - Itajubá
MG - Muriaé
MG - Viçosa
MG - Ubá
MG - Pará de Minas
BA - Teixeira de Freitas
BA - Dias D'Ávila
Create alert
BA - Mata de São João
BA - Camaçari
RJ - Cabo Frio
PE - Caruaru
PE - Garanhuns
CE - Maracanaú
SP - Ferraz de Vasconcelos
SP - Poá
SP - Suzano
TO - Palmas


See bus schedule also on the web:

Doubt or suggestion? Write to:
@linebusapp on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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