Limougeotte APP
Everyone says to themselves "but that already exists, right?", The answer is: "no!".
Go look on the store, give me a name, but I bet every time you see "Your region is under construction" or "will come to the app soon".
What makes our identity? A dynamic team, a joyful and playful universe with in addition our mascot Kaoli, a growing community with this feeling of belonging to a local project, useful and innovative on the social and cultural level!
In this first version of the application we will be listing all the structures with which we have already had a first contact as well as local events of which we are aware but in a "succinct" way.
You can find all our collaborations in the "Our friends" section of the main menu of the application.
We still have a lot of work to do, but thanks to you, we will be able to improve all our services!